i once had a teacher who docked points if you doodled on your papers
she said that flowers distracted from what was really importantwhat was really important was math
was equations
but I thought flowers were important
so I doodled
and I lost points
don't let the parents get you down
don't let public school get you down
don't let 12 years of adults putting creativity caps on your head and giving you compliments like
"math looks so good on you."
"has anyone ever told you that you would look beautiful in physics?"
"this geography really makes your eyes pop!"
get you down
they took away my crayon boxes and told me to use pencil instead of pen in case I made a mistake
they made me spell "creativity" and "imagination" out loud
they taught me the definitions
don't let public school get you down
don't let 12 years of adults putting creativity caps on your head and giving you compliments like
"math looks so good on you."
"has anyone ever told you that you would look beautiful in physics?"
"this geography really makes your eyes pop!"
get you down
they took away my crayon boxes and told me to use pencil instead of pen in case I made a mistake
they made me spell "creativity" and "imagination" out loud
they taught me the definitions
and tested me on it every week
but they never told me to try it on
but they never told me to try it on
and they never told me it made my legs look long
or that it complimented my skin
they took away your crayons when you left third grade but now they're scattered all over the floor of nelson's room so now's your time
to pick one up
to pick one up
and draw some flowers.