Monday, January 16, 2017

space and things

i was annoyed whenever i read a poem about how we're all made of stars. that our minds were galaxies and our eyes like black holes, drawing eachother in. but he taught me that it's true. that every piece of us has been a piece of one million other things. that matter is neither created nor destroyed. that we don't know if black holes are even real, but if they are, they would be like his eyes. blue and green and sparkling. 

he is stardust. he is unabashedly my sun. unforgivingly everything i've ever needed. he is gone but i revolve around him. making circles. keeping my perfect distance. with the moons i love revolving around me, helping me fall asleep and wake back up. and i hope he knows that i'm revolving for him. i hope to the sun and back that he knows it. 

when the earth fell in love with the sun 
he knew it 
but he had to keep everyone warm 
and spread his light 
and she understood
and she loved him for that
for his light and his warmth 

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